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No Staircases ! One Level !

What does your ideal home look like?

My ideal home is a brick ranch with no stairs anywhere to be seen.

Going up and down stairs is problematic for me because of my hip, so a house without these multiple levels to maneuver is ideal for me.

Presently my abode consists of an upper level that is the main living area with bedrooms, kitchen, bath and living room. The downstairs area houses a garage, washer and dryer and furnace.

I find as I get older that stairs are not friendly to me. Carrying laundry up and down steps is getting more and more difficult, and the amount of times it’s necessary to go up and down seems to grow. Yep, forgetting a dirty sock 🧦 gets to be a major pain.

I ❤️ where I live. The oceans are beautiful, but I do not want to live close to them. Lakes and streams of any kind, I suppose are delightful to most people , but Not Me. Bodies of water scare me…why?..,because they rise up and flood. If you’ve ever been thru a flood, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

https://www.teottart.com/❤️💕❤️This is my web. Be nosey and check it out. I’m a fabulous artist. ( Truth.) I know $$$ is tight, but Christmas is coming. 🎅🏻 lol

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STOP the World I Want OFF

How did the world allow this level of mismanagement? We are horrid creatures. We hurt you and in the doing, we hurt ourselves. How we got so terribly stupid is cause for great curiosity from me.

How’d we get so terribly STUPID!!!

What are you curious about?

Nothing makes sense.

What really makes me ‘curious’ is why and how did our educational systems FAIL us ???

PS I’m a retired college professor and stupidity irks me.

https://society6.com/teottart. 💀

This is my web page. Hit it up!

iPads are not Inexpensive

Name the most expensive personal item you’ve ever purchased (not your home or car). Technology equipment, iPads, iPhones, etc. are very expensive, but our modern world requires their use.

Recently I lost my iPhone. OMGoodness what a drama. I finally found it, but finding it required a week of desperate searching. Thinking I would never retrieve it, I purchased an android. ( Not a happy camper !) BTW that also was not cheap.

Thus far, in my life, my most expensive purchases have ALL been technology oriented. AND lately I’ve been contemplating buying a commercial printer, and those suckers break the bank. $$$

Between groceries, computers, and “ keeping up with the neighbors “ it’s a wonder how I do what I do. Living is not cost-efficient!… especially when you are addicted to being connected to the world. Truth❗️

I’m Not a Listener ❗️❗️❗️🦻

What podcasts are you listening to?

Hearing and listening are not talents that I possess. I’m loosing my hearing as I age.

I have a difficult time listening to TV, let alone listening to podcasts. As a result, I never put myself in that type of situation. Why do that to myself ?

T.E. Ott used to be a voice teacher, and may I say, I was damn good at my job. It helps to ♥️your subject, and boy do I love the magic that the human voice can create. What an amazing musical instrument GOD gave us. It is capable of doing so many wonderful things.

One more thing before I close this blog: Today’s actors and actresses do not know how to use their voices correctly. They mumble and speak so softly that it is difficult and, in most cases, impossible to understand what they are saying. This is intolerable ❗️

So my answer to what podcast I listen to is I DO NOT LISTEN TO PODCASTS ! EVER!

I Never Liked School – Ever

What was your favorite subject in school? Speech 🎤 ❗️♥️❤️♥️❗️Indeed, anything requiring me to stand in front of people and to talk, fascinated me – and still does to this day. I suppose that is typical behavior for a “ show off❗️❤️♥️❤️❗️

I never really enjoyed formal education. I am a college graduate with a master’s degree and I am also a retired college professor. That said, school and I have a love/hate relationship.

I’ll break this duality down for you so you can better understand. First, I despise being told what to do. ( Who are you to give me orders?) Second, I like telling people, not only what to do, but also, how to do it. 🙃

Now, what does that say about me? By the way, this question is very hard to answer. i keep coming up with, “I’m a rebel”, but that doesn’t really satisfy me… nor does it adequately describe me. This is hard.

OK here’s the truth : I think most people are impaired and for the most part myrmidons…sheep with no minds of their own. AND I do not want to be like them.

If any of them had an original thought it would so stun and shock them that their brains would explode ❗️

This might explain why I don’t have many friends. 🤡 ♥️❤️♥️🤡

Technologically Controlled

How do you manage screen time for yourself? I don’t manage screen time; screen time manages me.

Actually, as life would have it, this is a very timely “daily prompt” because I’m about to change my dependence on the iPhone and Facebook in particular. The reason being it is eating up too much of my time and my energy.

My life just changed ❗️When I was accepted by the Tamarack Foundation as a contributing artisan, I became a business. ? ( It’s true.) I’m now in the business of selling art.

What that means to me is Life Changing. My house suddenly became more than a studio, a place to work and frolic; it became a factory – out of which I can create goods to sell.

This is life altering in a big-time way!

This is life altering in a Big Time way❗️

So….all those wasted moments playing on that iPhone talking on Facebook…that is now in the past. It was fun while it lasted. Tommy now has to go to work.


The Numbers 1 Through 12 Rule Life on Planet Earth 🌍

Do you need time? Primitive people lived without clocks and so can we, but we are so brainwashed by time, alarms, schedules, and bells that we are not even aware we are brainwashed.
Sound the Alarm 🚨 ❗️❗️🤣

I think keeping track of time is an odd and dangerous concept. It’s my belief that time was invented by “ The Man” to make sure we get to work and stay there until “ The Man “ says we are done.

In other words it’s a capitalistic concept insuring the oppressor of a workforce that puts in the necessary time to get the job done. $ makes the world go ‘round.
